After 4 decades in the UK, Nikolas Parkes decides to relocate to Almeria Province, in Andalucia, southern Spain. Here he discovers a way of life he immediately falls in love with. He finally feels at home amongst the mountains and splendid beaches he finds around him. He falls in love with the tough, but kind, Almerian people, he falls in love with the tasty tapas, the street parties, the siestas and the fiestas, the street dancers, the stern grandmas and the hard working proprietors of the bars and cafes. He falls in love with the football fans and the hippy tans, the sharp dressed bus drivers and the free spirited adventurers. All of it!
Then he falls in love, for real! With a cultured and beautiful Bulgarian girl, and his life changes. Slowly he loses his inhibitions and his anxieties and embraces life, and all of its possibilities! But it’s not all plain sailing, there are obstacles to overcome, and cultural differences to resolve, but together, Nikolas and Daniela form a formidable partnership, and create a love affair for the ages.
This is an epic love story set in the pretty whitewashed coastal villages and amazing natural beaches of southern Spain. But more than anything this is a story about life in Andalucia, about relocating to a new country and finding a new culture and way of living so so unlike what has gone before, and embracing it, and all of the possibilities that come with it. So Run Dani Run, you never know where you might end up, and with who!
Then he falls in love, for real! With a cultured and beautiful Bulgarian girl, and his life changes. Slowly he loses his inhibitions and his anxieties and embraces life, and all of its possibilities! But it’s not all plain sailing, there are obstacles to overcome, and cultural differences to resolve, but together, Nikolas and Daniela form a formidable partnership, and create a love affair for the ages.
This is an epic love story set in the pretty whitewashed coastal villages and amazing natural beaches of southern Spain. But more than anything this is a story about life in Andalucia, about relocating to a new country and finding a new culture and way of living so so unlike what has gone before, and embracing it, and all of the possibilities that come with it. So Run Dani Run, you never know where you might end up, and with who!

There’s a formidable man on the 210 to Archway, a beautiful girl dancing on the beach, and a New York taxi driver in love with Paul McCartney. There are stories of passion and compulsion, Christmas selection boxes, and girls who could talk for England. Poems of love, French philosophy, and jam donuts. Missing brothers and New Year lovers….And it’s all true, every word of it…..
From the streets of London to the sea at Brighton. Told with magic realism and an observational flair for the exceptional normality of everyday life. Funny and accurate. Tender and brave. Immerse yourself in the world of Fishes, Fights and Motorbikes. The first collection of poems and stories from Darryl Cousins.
From the streets of London to the sea at Brighton. Told with magic realism and an observational flair for the exceptional normality of everyday life. Funny and accurate. Tender and brave. Immerse yourself in the world of Fishes, Fights and Motorbikes. The first collection of poems and stories from Darryl Cousins.